Wrist Pain During Bench Press
Eliminate bench press wrist pain.
Wrist pain during bench press. The main cause for wrist pain during the bench press is the compression of the wrist joint due to improper bar placement in the hand. If you re experiencing wrist pain during the bench press it s time to address it. Read my article on wrist wraps here. Don t worry this ailment is pretty common and probably happens to 8 out of 10 lifters.
Unfortunately heavy bench pressing over the longer term can easily take a toll on your wrists. According to an article on the american chiropractic association s website on modifying the bench press to avoid injury one of the best things that you can do is narrow your bench press grip. The bench press remains a standard measure of strength for many lifters. There are plenty of tricks and exercises that you can use to get rid of the pain but that won t fix the real issue.
While it may feel unnatural at first changing your grip to straighten your wrists is extremely important to both short term and long term wrist health. The rule of two is when you rate your pain on a scale from zero to ten zero being no pain and ten being the worst pain possible and then keep track of the pain level in your wrist while exercising or continuing to bench press. If your wrist pain from bench pressing for example increases by two levels on a scale from one to ten on the pain. Proper wrist position during a bench press the proper position for your wrists is neutral meaning that the wrists form a straight line with your forearm and don t bend back to support the weight.
However that doesn t mean that it should be left untreated. Wrist pain from bench pressing is usually related to issues with form and stabilization through the wrists. Wrist wraps can often help relieve wrist pain during shoulder press. When doing the bench press a lot of.
Another modification you can make to help reduce your elbow pain during the bench press is to widen your grip. If you get wrist pain when doing the bench press give those three things a go. Make some simple modifications to avoid injuries when you re bench pressing. I am going to discuss reasons why your wrist hurts during shoulder press and ways to prevent wrist pain while shoulder pressing.
Work on the mobility in the wrist work on stretching out the forearms and swap out the regular bar bench press with a dumb bell bench press. This minimizes the amount of rotation that your shoulder does during the bench press and puts more pressure. Strong wrists will help maintain an injury free lifting career. Learn how to bench press with straight wrists and avoid any future wrist and forearm pain.
Bent wrists during the bench press will limit your ability to bench press heavy weights for a long time. On the internet you will see two sides no three sides to how you should bench press.